Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems HBL3000CEIV Standard Removable Cover, 5 ft L x 2.67 in W x 1.47 in H, Roll Formed Steel, Ivory
Raceway Covers
Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems
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- Catalog URL - PREMISE_WIRING_HBL20C215GY_Catalog.pdf(Catalog URL)
- Home Page URL)
- Home Page URL)
- Install Instructions 1 URL - WIRING_PD2236_INSTALLINST.pdf(Install Instructions 1 URL)
- Line Drawing URL - WDK_HBL3000CE_DRAWING_PDF.pdf(Line Drawing URL)
- Spec Sheet URL - 11456_GM8HW7AU0EVT1KF9.pdf(Spec Sheet URL)
- Spec Sheet URL - viewcatalog.aspx?Search=HBL3000CEIV(Spec Sheet URL)
- Tech Drawing URL - IDW_DOCUMENT_1487176857790.pdf(Tech Drawing URL)
- Applications
- Features
5' Cover |
Standard Product |
Without knockouts |
Full line of large, single channel, 2-piece metal raceway |
Large single channel base for power or datacom cables |
Allows up to 43 Cat 5e or 30 Cat 6 cables |
Wide range of covers and cover plates accommodate the most demanding applications |
Removable cover and cover plates provide easy access to wiring compartment |
Transition fitting UL classified to transition from Wiremold® 3000 series metal raceway to Hubbell 3000 series metal raceway |
Reducer fitting provides transition from Hubbell 3000 series to Hubbell 2000 series raceway |
Hubbell handi-screw eliminates difficult-to-install long screws for faster mounting |
Round corner boxes eliminate sharp edge |
Boxes have a one-seam construction providing a clean look |
Large capacity boxes allows for the installation of 30, 50, 60 A receptacles |
Utility box can be used as a tee, cross, junction box or as a branch circuit extension |