15 items
434062 MFG #: PE400-10WLeviton®337.43000 / ea
- Application: Commercial
- ARRA Compliant: C
- Buy American Compliant: C
1004621 MFG #: HJS-0-FMLutron®1751.00000 / ea
- Amperage Rating: 350m A
- Application: Lighting Control
- ARRA Compliant: N
109.91000 / ea
- Amperage Rating: 10 A
- Application: All Lighting
- ARRA Compliant: N
927748 MFG #: LS2Intermatic®109.91000 / ea
- Amperage Rating: 10 A
- Application: All Lighting
- ARRA Compliant: N
1280795 MFG #: WSMET-10Leviton®33.15000 / ea
- ARRA Compliant: C
- Buy American Compliant: C
- Catalog Number: WSMET-10
1283171 MFG #: DZPA1-2BWLeviton®58.16000 / ea
- Amperage Rating: 5/9.8/15 A
- Application: Residential and Indoor Applications
- ARRA Compliant: C
1281059 MFG #: D42IR-8LLeviton®126.70000 / ea
- Application: Residential Applications
- ARRA Compliant: C
- Buy American Compliant: C
1280820 MFG #: D42IR-RFWLeviton®188.87000 / ea
- Application: Commercial and Residential Applications
- ARRA Compliant: C
- Buy American Compliant: C
1280821 MFG #: D42IR-RSWLeviton®188.87000 / ea
- Application: Commercial and Residential Applications
- ARRA Compliant: C
- Buy American Compliant: C
1285489 MFG #: ECD00-FUSLeviton®174.89000 / ea
- ARRA Compliant: C
- Buy American Compliant: C
- Catalog Number: ECD00-FUS
72463 MFG #: PE100-10WLeviton®271.66000 / ea
- Application: Commercial
- ARRA Compliant: C
- Buy American Compliant: C
443.05000 / ea
- Application: Commercial
- ARRA Compliant: C
- Buy American Compliant: C
44.19000 / ea
- ARRA Compliant: C
- Buy American Compliant: C
- Catalog Number: WSTLT-9D0
0.00000 / ea
- Catalog Number: HJS-1-SM
- Height: 4.3 in
- Length: 6.8 in
PDW~13303669 MFG #: OXC-P-2MH0-RCooper Lighting Solutions222.90000 / ea
- Application: Parking Structures, Warehouses, High Ceilings, Cold Storage, Indoor, Outdoor and Lighting Appli
- ARRA Compliant: C
- Buy American Compliant: C