Edison NSD6 NSD Offset Blade Tag Non-Indicating HRC Fuse, 6 A, 550 VAC, 80 kA, Class gG, Cartridge Blade Body
Power Fuse
/ ea
- Catalog URL - Edison_NSD10_Brochure.pdf(Catalog URL)
- http://www.bussmann.com(Seller Home Page URL)
- Installation Video URL - eaton-bussmann---bs88-industrial-fuse-links?autoStart=true&q=bs88(Installation Video URL)
- Spec Sheet URL - skuPage.NSD6.pdf(Spec Sheet URL)
- Tech Bulletin URL - datasheet.php?model=NSD6&locale=en_GB(Tech Bulletin URL)
- Video - https://videos.eaton.com/detail/video/5661060596001/eaton-bussmann---red-spot-industrial-...(Video)
- Applications
- Features
Ind Facilities & Factories - Facility: Safety and Security SystemsElec Assemblies, Panels & EOEM - Electrical Assemblies, Panels and EOEMsInd Facilities & Factories - Facility: Power Distribution and ControlElec Assemblies, Panels & EOEM - Electrical Assemblies and EOEMs - OtherElec Assemblies, Panels & EOEM - Control Panels for MachinesElec Assemblies, Panels & EOEM - Panel BuildersElec Assemblies, Panels & EOEM - Elec Assemblies/Panels/EOEMs - Aftermarket |
Good peak let through current limitation |
1:1:6 selective coordination ratio between minor and major fuse |
Power loss values well within the limits of IEC 60269 |