• Applications
  • Features
Controls and Drives; Corrosive Environments
14 gauge Type 304 or Type 316L stainless steel bodies and doors, Seams continuously welded and ground smooth , Seamless foam-in-place gasket, Rolled lip around three sides of door, Stainless steel door clamp assembly , Hasp and staple for padl
Seams continuously welded and ground smooth
Seamless foam in place gasket
Rolled lip around three sides of door
Stainless steel door clamp assembly
Hasp and staple is provided for padlocking
Door removed by pulling stainless steel continuous hinge pin
Data pocket is high impact thermoplastic
Exterior hardware on 316L stainless steel enclosures matches enclosure material
Bonding provision on door, grounding stud on body
Bonding provision on door, grounding stud on body
This enclosures seamless foam-in-place gasket and screw-down clamps provide a secure seal against contaminants
14 ga 316L stainless steel
NO 4 smooth brushed finish