ACM (advanced chip Management) flute geometry ensures sufficient flute space along the whole length of the tool and encourages small and manageable chips|Unique surface treatment provides a very smooth surface in the flutes to decrease torque|High speeds and feeds allow greater productivity to reduce cost per hole|Accurate deep holes to depths of up to 30 × drill diameter, without pecking |
Axial concentric coolant entry on circle |
Axial concentric coolant exit on circle |
20 bar coolant |
EFW cutting feed |
26.364 deg helix flute |
17.873 deg orthogonal rake |
GC34 manufacturer grade |
65.4 mm L functional |
36 mm L clamping |
3 regrinds |
0.6 mm L point |
3 mm L regrind |
18510 r/min |
H6 connection diameter tolerance |
H9 achievable hole tolerance |
861.1..A1-GP tool style |
3.12 usable length diameter ratio |
K, M, N, P material grade |
20 life cycle state |