Sandvik Coromant 5752855 CoroTurn® 107 1-Sided Turning Insert, TCMW2(1.5)2S0320E CB20, T-Triangle, TCMW..S..E Insert

TCMW Turning Inserts
1245287 MFG #: 5752855
Sandvik Coromant
88.40000 / ea
  • Features
Cast iron machining with hard crust
Interrupted cuts
Stable cutting edge design
Aluminum oxide with optimized microstructure offers a 50% longer tool life under conditions of crater wear and also reduced machining times
Mechanical post-treatment - unique residual stress rate, increased process reliability
Large, universal chip breaking area and longer tool life for ISO P geometries
Ground seating surface after coating for improved process reliability when working with interrupted cuts
Silver flank face indicator layer for extremely easy wear detection
Microedge technology offers a 30% longer tool life under conditions of flank face wear or plastic deformation
Extremely smooth rake face for excellent tribochemical wear resistance
Sharp cutting edges and excellent chip control ensure a soft cutting action and low cutting forces, providing an excellent surface finish to the component
7 deg clearance angle
Screw clamping ensures stability and unobstructed chip flow
Holders and insert geometries with conventional and CoroTurn HP design
For longitudinal turning and profiling
Positive rake
Screw clamp mount