Russellstoll® 3753 Pin and Sleeve Receptacle Box Assembly, 250 VAC, 30 A, 2 Poles, 3 Wires

Pin & Sleeve Receptacle-Box Assemblies
14426 MFG #: 3753
1616.40000 / ea
  • Applications
  • Features
Designed for lower-ameprage marine and rough service applications with rugged die cast aluminum housings and epoxy powder coated finishes.
Precision-made, self-aligning and self-wiping contacts; receptacles provided with spring-actuated, self-closing flaps; available in watertight and weathertight versions; solderless screw terminals for convenient wiring
FS/FD metallic connections systems
Precision made, self aligning and self wiping contacts
Receptacles provided with spring actuated, self-closing flaps
Mechanical linkage prevents plug insertion or withdrawal unless switch is in off position
Ground contacts are make first, break last
Designed for lower amperage marine and rough service applications with rugged die cast aluminum housings and epoxy powder coated finishes
Solderless screw terminals for convenient wiring
Contact carrier interior is thermoset
Self-closing flaps