• Features
Features: Three Sizes Handle Fuses Ranging From 0 To 600A; 5 Inches Long; Small Puller For 250V, 9/32 Inch To 1/2 Inch Diameter Fuses; Maximum Efficiency And Convenience For Removing Or Replacing Cartridge-Type Fuses; Fully Insulated, High-Dielectric, Glass-Filled Polypropylene Construction; Notched Handles Provide Safe, No-Slip Grip; Clearly Marked Amperage Ranges; Exceed MIL Specifications; Fuse Voltage: 250 V
Maximum efficiency and convenience for removing or replacing cartridge type fuses
Fully insulated, high dielectric, glass filled polypropylene construction
Notched handles provide safe, no slip grip
Clearly marked amperage ranges
Three sizes handle fuses ranging from 0 to 600 A
13/32 in x 1-1/2 in fuse