Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems HBLDS3AC POWER RATING - Column not found in Input file in row 9130
Enclosed Rotary Disconnects
Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems
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- Catalog URL - Wiring_Device_Kellems_HBL1370_Catalog.pdf(Catalog URL)
- Home Page URL)
- Install Instructions 1 URL - 11456_8FMWH6P5KGYC2ND7.pdf(Install Instructions 1 URL)
- Install Instructions 1 URL - WIRING_PD1782_PD1789_INSTALLINST.pdf(Install Instructions 1 URL)
- Line Drawing URL - 11456_MPNUQX6CGB4IEL3D.pdf(Line Drawing URL)
- Line Drawing URL - WDK_HBLDS3AC_DRAWING_PDF.pdf(Line Drawing URL)
- Spec Sheet URL - 11456_6JHM54B1AUXGVIZP.pdf(Spec Sheet URL)
- Spec Sheet URL - WIRING_HBLDS3AC_spec.pdf(Spec Sheet URL)
- Tech Drawing URL - IDW_DOCUMENT_1487177442993.pdf(Tech Drawing URL)
- Tech Drawing URL - WIRING_HBLDS3AC_M7093_ACAD_DRAWING.dwg(Tech Drawing URL)
- Warranty URL - 11456_Y8PS6T0FNOGH3Q75.pdf(Warranty URL)
- Warranty URL - Wiring_WDK_Warranty.pdf(Warranty URL)
- Applications
- Features
Labelless |
Standard Product with HBLAC1 Aux Contact |
Adjustable mounting feet |
Stainless steel hardware for corrosion resistance |
Lockable handle to meet OSHA lockout tag out regulations |
Non metallic enclosure, non conducting |
Internal frame automatically bonds all grounds |
1 hp at 120 VAC 1 phase, 2.5 hp at 208 to 240 VAC 1 phase, 5 hp at 480 VAC 1 phase, 5 hp at 208 to 240 VAC 3 phase, 10 hp at 480/600 VAC 3 phase |