Hubbell Premise Wiring FRP250 Abandonment Flush Standard Closure Plug, For Use With 3 in Hole Poke-Through Unit, Aluminum, Gray
Floor Box Service Fittings
MFG #: FRP250
Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems
/ ea
- Catalog URL - PREMISE_WIRING_AP2GY_Brochure.pdf(Catalog URL)
- Home Page URL)
- Home Page URL)
- Install Instructions 1 URL - WIRING_PD1909_INSTALLINST.pdf(Install Instructions 1 URL)
- Line Drawing URL - WIRING_M10115_SALESDRAWING.pdf(Line Drawing URL)
- Spec Sheet URL - 11456_7E3MBD694AKIWU1L.pdf(Spec Sheet URL)
- Spec Sheet URL - viewcatalog.aspx?Search=FRP250(Spec Sheet URL)
- Spec Sheet URL - WDK-FRP250-SPEC-EN.pdf(Spec Sheet URL)
- Tech Drawing URL - IDW_DOCUMENT_1487177055662.pdf(Tech Drawing URL)
- Warranty URL - Wiring_WDK_Warranty.pdf(Warranty URL)
- Applications
- Features
Fire Rated Closure Plug |
Standard Product |
Closes abandoned or unused 3 in core holes in concrete floors |
Will maintain the fire rating of the floor up to four hours |
2-1/4 in (over metal deck) to 7 in thick floor |
3 in diameter cored hole |
Up to 36 low voltage cables at 0.21 in diameter voice/data only wiring capacity |
0.09 in thick |