• Applications
  • Features
6000 pound cable puller with force gauge and foot switch
Setup in less than 60 seconds. No loose pieces, allowing quick changeover for easy transport. No adapter needed, easily clamp to conduit in seconds. Dual capstans increase pulling speeds and maximize efficiency. Two speed motor specially designed for 6,000 pound pulls. Circuit breaker monitor for safe auto shutoff and extend motor life. Force indicator prevents damage to puller. Build in dolly for fast easy transport. Ergonomic design eliminates heavy lifting during setup. Right-andle sheave allows the operator to stand out of the direct line of force.
Up to 60% faster compared to competition
Setup in less than 60 s
No loose pieces, allowing quick changeover for easy transport
No adapter needed, easily clamp conduit in seconds
Dual capstans increase pulling speeds and maximize efficiency
Circuit breaker monitor for safe auto shutoff and extend motor life
Force indicator prevents damage to puller
Built-in dolly for fast and easy transport
Ergonomic design eliminates heavy lifting during setup
Right angle sheave allows the operator to stand out of the direct line of force
6000 lb cable puller with force gauge and foot switch
120 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 12 A drive motor