• Applications
  • Features
Elec Assemblies, Panels & EOEM - Electrical Assemblies, Panels and EOEMs
Integral dovetails allow assembly of multiple poles at point-of-use for greater application flexibility
Factory assembled two and three pole configurations available
Up to four mounting holes per pole increase installation flexibility
Design meets UL creep and clearance requirements for industrial power circuits (UL 508 and UL 845)
200 to 600 A blocks meet the higher UL creep and clearance requirements for power distribution standards (UL 98, UL 67, UL 489, UL 891 and UL 869A)
Optional IP20 finger-safe covers available on entire knifeblade fuse block product line
1/0 to 3 AWG, (2) 4 to 6 AWG copper, 4 to 6 AWG, (2) 8 AWG copper, 8 AWG, (2) 10 to 14 AWG copper, 10 to 14 AWG copper, 10 to 12 AWG aluminum solid and stranded wire
1.34 in dia for Fusetron® and Limitron®, 1.16 in dia for Low-Peak® fuses
Built-in lockout/tagout feature improves safety
Standard fuse clip reinforcing springs enhance electrical contact
200 kA short circuit current rating
Flammability ratings of UL 94V0, self-extinguishing
Tin-plated aluminum box lug terminals