Burndy® YE2R25 Hyplug™ YE2R-25 YE-R Pin Terminal Connector, 2 to 1 AWG Aluminum Conductor, Aluminum
Overhead Connector Terminals
MFG #: YE2R25
/ ea
- Brochure URL - 10969_JWQ2OLAI8E7BM0RG.pdf(Brochure URL)
- Brochure URL - BURNDY_YE2R25_Specsheet.pdf(Brochure URL)
- Catalog URL - IDW_DOCUMENT_878f88b72dadc119dd438509388a35612f759c3bbef0991c8bb7217efc102b12.pdf(Catalog URL)
- http://www.burndy.com(Seller Home Page URL)
- http://www.burndy.com/(Seller Home Page URL)
- Line Drawing URL(Line Drawing URL)
- Spec Sheet URL - 10969_S325F0LGYPAU4CVN.pdf(Spec Sheet URL)
- Spec Sheet URL - YE2R25.pdf(Spec Sheet URL)
- Tech Drawing 1 URL - ID-DRW-v1-SE065168-01.pdf(Tech Drawing 1 URL)
- Tech Drawing URL - 10969_O9P71RHWJQ3T2XFG.pdf(Tech Drawing URL)
- Tech Drawing URL - SE065168-01.pdf(Tech Drawing URL)
- Applications
- Features
For Terminating Aluminum Or ACSR Cable At Cut-Out, Transformer And Arrestor |
Features: Aluminum HYPLUG With Tin-Plated Copper Plug For Terminating Aluminum Or ACSR Cable At Cut-Out, Transformer And Arrestor, Plug May Be Bent To Desired Angle For Easier Insertion, Three Die Sets Accommodate 4 AWG Stranded - 500 KCMIL, Terminals Are Pre-Filled With PENE -TROX A-13 Joint Compound And Sealed With Color Coded End Caps, Die Index: BG Or 243 Element A, Color Code: Red, Plug/pin Diameter: 2 AWG Solid, Plug/pin Length: 2-1/2 IN, Tools, Die Set Catalog Number, And (number Of Crimps): MD7, MD6 Tool, BG, WBG, W243 Die, Y750, Y35 Tool, U-BG, U243, UK5/8-1T Die, Y45 Tool, U Die With Adapter PT-6515, Y46 Tool, U Die With Adapter PUADP-1, Y48BH Tool, C243 Die, Y60BH Tool, L243 Die |
Plug may be bent to desired angle for easier insertion |
Terminals are pre-filled with penetrox A-13 joint compound and sealed with color coded end caps |
2 (6/1) to 2 (7/1) AWG ACSR /2 to 1 AWG AAC conductor |
2 to 1 AWG stranded aluminum, 2 AWG ACSR conductor range |
Tools, die set catalog number, and (number of crimps):md7, MD6 tool, bg, wbg, w243 die, y750, y35 tool, u-bg, u243, uk5/8-1t die, y45 tool, u die with adapter pt-6515, Y46 tool, u die with adapter puadp-1, y48bh tool, c243 die, y60bh tool, l243 die |