Features: Compression Terminal, Conductor Type: Copper, Aluminum Concentric And Compact, Tools, Die Set Catalog Number, And (number Of Crimps): Y35, Y750 Tool, U608, U786 Die, Y45 Tool, U608, U786 Die With PT-6515 Adapter, S786 Die, Y46 Tool, U608, U786 Die With PUADP-1 Adapter, P786 Die, Tongue Angle: Straight, Die Index: 608 Or 786 |
2-holes NEMA pad |
Prefilled with PENETROX® joint compound capped, and strip sealed to limit oxide growth and to increase the life of the connection |
Installed with standard tooling, five die sets install fourteen terminal sizes |
Tools, die set catalog number, and (number of crimps):y35, Y750 tool, u608, u786 die, y45 tool, u608, u786 die with pt-6515 adapter, s786 die, Y46 tool, u608, u786 die with puadp-1 adapter, p786 die |