• Applications
  • Features
For All Aluminum Compressed And Compact Conductors
Features: Full-Tension HYSPLICE Sleeve Made Of Aluminum Tubing With Staked-In Cable Stop, Sizes 1/0 And Larger Tapered For Gradual Transition Of Stress, Installed With HYSPLICE Tools And Dies, Pre-Filled With PENETROX Joint Compound And Capped, Tools, Die Set Catalog Number, And (number Of Crimps): Y35, Y750 Tool, U261 Die, (9), Y45 Tool, U261 Die With PT-6515 Adapter, (9), Y46 Tool, U261 Die With PUADP-1 Adapter, (9), Y48B Tool, C261 Die, (3), Y60BHU Tool, L261 Die, (3), Die Index: 261 Element A, Conductor Type: Aluminum, Compressed Aluminum, Compact Aluminum
556.5 (30/7) Eagle ACSR cable
556.5 aluminum cable
Tools, die set catalog number, and (number of crimps):y35, Y750 tool, u261 die, (9), y45 tool, u261 die with pt-6515 adapter, (9), Y46 tool, u261 die with puadp-1 adapter, (9), y48b tool, c261 die, (3), y60bhu tool, l261 die, (3), die index:261 element a