Power block has an isolated solid-state output switch which may be used to switch either AC or DC; Range depends on sensor; 4-Wire operation; These power blocks usually should not be used to switch ac inductive loads since there is no capacity for inrush; It has enough capacity to switch many inductive DC loads like small relays and solenoids; Will interface directly to all AC programmable controller inputs; Since the saturation voltage of these power blocks is typically greater than 1 V, they should not be used to interface 5V dc logic circuits like TTL |
50/60 Hz input |
100 mA maximum (no inrush capacity), 200 VDC, 140 VAC maximum output |
Less than 3 V full load on-state voltage drop |
Less than 100 uA off-state leakage current |
Range depends on sensor |
Wiring chamber |
2 m length cable connection |