- Applications
- Features
UtilityCommercial / Institutional Buildings / Structures - Commercial / Institutional Buildings / Structures - OtherGeneration - Renewable Energy - Alternative EnergyWater and Wastewater Systems - Water and Wastewater Systems - OtherOther IT and Datacom - Other InfrastructuresInd Facilities & Factories - Industrial Facilities/Factories - OtherInd Facilities & Factories - Facility - OtherGeneration - Conventional Energy - Conventional EnergyDatacenters - Datacenters - OtherCommercial / Institutional Buildings / Structures - Commercial/Inst Bldg Strctures - AftermarketResidential Bldgs & Facilities - Residential Bldgs & Facilities - OtherDatacenters - IT Space: Enterprise / Server Room / Network Closet |
Mechanically locks in place when used with 4Dimension™ SH hole pattern channel |
Recommend a self-tapping set screw when used in 4 Dimension solid channel or S hole pattern channel |
Requires hex nut for location placement on ATR |
Provides more usable area for trapeze application |
Ensure the tab on the horizontal side is bent to engage in the SH slot |