• Applications
  • Features
For Use With Exposed Branch Feeder
Clamps provide maximum versatility of installation where equipment is likely to be moved from one location to another Installation is fast and modification is simple; One clamp covers entire range of cable sizes and can be used for one 90 DEG bend
Clamps provide maximum versatility of installation where equipment is likely to be moved from one location to another installation is fast and modification is simple
One clamp covers entire range of cable sizes and can be used for one 90 deg bend
Supports cable in flexible connecting circuits used to feed equipment
Mooring cable clamps are used to attach a guy wire to the cable where it leaves bus structure, thus preventing wire terminal strain and possible conductor breakage
Cable is run in fixed overhead bused structures to a point directly above equipment then dropped with a 90 deg bend
At the point of drop, the cable clamp is installed to support the cable
Two clamps, back to back, allow for an additional loop providing extra cable footage when a machine is likely to be moved
Two-piece construction