44 items
630933 MFG #: NUWTUBE65Harger®9.86000 / ea
- Application: Exothermic Welding
- ARRA Compliant: C
- Buy American Compliant: C
20.63000 / ea
- Catalog Number: 115
- Country of Origin: US
- Gross Weight Per Pack: 0.3400 lb
25.84000 / ea
- Catalog Number: 150
- Country of Origin: US
- Gross Weight Per Pack: 0.4170 lb
230310 MFG #: 115PLUSF20nVent ERICO20.63000 / ea
- Catalog Number: 115PLUSF20
- Country of Origin: US
- Gross Weight Per Pack: 0.2900 lb
32.07000 / ea
- Catalog Number: 200
- Country of Origin: US
- Gross Weight Per Pack: 0.4900 lb
37.28000 / ea
- Catalog Number: 250
- Country of Origin: US
- Gross Weight Per Pack: 0.6020 lb
11.86000 / ea
- Catalog Number: 65
- Country of Origin: US
- Gross Weight Per Pack: 0.2000 lb
16.47000 / ea
- Catalog Number: 90
- Country of Origin: US
- Gross Weight Per Pack: 0.2490 lb
167523 MFG #: 150PLUSF20nVent ERICO25.84000 / ea
- Catalog Number: 150PLUSF20
- Country of Origin: US
- Gross Weight Per Pack: 0.4520 lb
495478 MFG #: 200PLUSF20nVent ERICO32.07000 / ea
- Catalog Number: 200PLUSF20
- Country of Origin: US
- Finish: EC002722
350437 MFG #: 45PLUSF20nVent ERICO9.54000 / ea
- Catalog Number: 45PLUSF20
- Country of Origin: US
- Gross Weight Per Pack: 0.1900 lb
222586 MFG #: 90PLUSF20nVent ERICO16.47000 / ea
- Catalog Number: 90PLUSF20
- Country of Origin: US
- Gross Weight Per Pack: 0.3040 lb
814354 MFG #: NUWTUBE150Harger®21.95000 / ea
- Application: Exothermic Welding
- ARRA Compliant: C
- Buy American Compliant: C
10.06000 / ea
- Application: Exothermic Welding
- ARRA Compliant: C
- Buy American Compliant: C
14.03000 / ea
- Application: Exothermic Welding
- ARRA Compliant: C
- Buy American Compliant: C
1367487 MFG #: 250QBURNDY®43.19000 / ea
- Application: For Welding Copper To Copper, Copper To Steel, Copper To Rail, Copper To Cast Iron And One For Welding Copper To Steel For Cathodic Protection
- Catalog Number: 250Q
- Country of Origin: US