7 items
63.74000 / ea
- Applicable Materials: Cast Iron, High Temperature Alloy, Steel, Stainless Steel, Titanium, Non-Ferrous and Hardened Steel
- Catalog Number: 51763
- Country of Origin: US
62.43000 / ea
- Applicable Materials: Cast Iron, High Temperature Alloy, Steel, Stainless Steel, Titanium, Non-Ferrous and Hardened Steel
- Catalog Number: 51330
- Country of Origin: US
PDW~10682678 MFG #: 51339SGS127.94000 / ea
- Applicable Materials: Cast Iron, High Temperature Alloy, Steel, Stainless Steel, Titanium, Non-Ferrous and Hardened Steel
- Catalog Number: 51339
- Country of Origin: US
106.94000 / ea
- Applicable Materials: Cast Iron, High Temperature Alloy, Steel, Stainless Steel, Titanium, Non-Ferrous and Hardened Steel
- Catalog Number: 51351
- Country of Origin: US
120.44000 / ea
- Applicable Materials: Cast Iron, High Temperature Alloy, Steel, Stainless Steel, Titanium, Non-Ferrous and Hardened Steel
- Catalog Number: 51517
- Country of Origin: US
PDW~10682730 MFG #: 51604SGS129.59000 / ea
- Applicable Materials: Cast Iron, High Temperature Alloy, Steel, Stainless Steel, Titanium, Non-Ferrous and Hardened Steel
- Catalog Number: 51604
- Country of Origin: US
88.01000 / ea
- Applicable Materials: Cast Iron, High Temperature Alloy, Steel, Stainless Steel, Titanium, Non-Ferrous and Hardened Steel
- Catalog Number: 63175
- Country of Origin: US